The importance of SEO in drawing the attention of potential clients is great. And, it is especially relevant when we speak about the home renovation business. That is why it is advisable to do everything according to the best recommendations ever in order to get as much traffic as possible. So, we are ready to tell you about this here!
A SEO Tip #1: Stick to Help Offered by Google When Advertising Renovation Services
Creating a “Google My Business” account is going to be an awesome idea. This is going to result in improving your SEO greatly. The biggest advantage of doing so is as follows: it will be much easier to come across your home renovation business. The potential clients will see it on Google Maps and you will surely receive more calls and orders.
Besides, you can try using a Google Search Console. This is a unique tip allowing the businesses to be searched and indexed by Google. As a business owner, you will be able to monitor the visits and clicks, see backlinks, and even more than this.
A SEO Tip #2: Make Sure You Use the Keywords Related to Your Renovation Business
It is extremely important today as long as the majority of your potential clients will be able to find you thanks to this.
So, what you should start with is keywords research. Once you know which of them are going to be the most relevant ones linked to your home renovation business, you need to make some more effort to learn how hard they will be to rank for on search engines.
And finally, create a list of the keywords you plan to use.
A SEO Tip #3: Deal with Bloggers and Webmasters
This piece of advice is aimed at asking people for help by giving backlinks to you. There are several kinds of tactics you can stick to when requesting assistance.
The most popular one though is direct communication when you ask to make a review of what you do. Also, suggest something in return (incentives for instance).
A SEO Tip #4: Start to Write Blog Posts
Those shouldn’t just be the articles revolving around what you are engaged in on a regular basis. The blog posts have to be connected with the local stuff (for instance, you introduce the material linked to Sacramento SEO).
Once you have prepared several posts, do not forget to put the keywords there. The results will be better than you can expect them to be!
A SEO Tip #5: Make Some Effort to Create Regular Home Renovation Content
If you would like your business to prosper for a long time, take proper care of producing interesting content that will appear on the pages of your website regularly. This will create amazing conditions for driving more traffic to your site.
The blog materials have to be useful for those who read them. Once you do not ignore such an aspect, expect to see nice rankings in Google search!
A SEO Tip #6: Promote the Content You Have on Your Home Renovation Site
It is not enough just to create blog posts. It is also vital to share the info about them everywhere to drive more people to the website you introduce to the public.
The best ways to do so are to share via social media platforms and to leave the links to your materials in some other blogs. However, do not be too pushy about this.
A SEO Tip #7: Pay Enough Attention to the Images on Your Home Renovation Site
There are quite a few points to mention when speaking of this. Here are the key ones:
- Resize portfolio images as long as you need your web pages to download quickly;
- Optimize and compress them. This is going to allow you to get rid of unnecessary metadata;
- Do not ignore image alt text.
A SEO Tip #8: Heading Always Matter
The text given in the blog posts and other materials has to be well-structured. That is why do not forget to add headings every 200-300 words. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient to deal with your texts.
Besides, it is advisable to use only one H1 tag per page. And, the headings have to be given in descending order. We also recommend you apply headings as structural guides for the readers and clients.
A SEO Tip #9: Fix the Broken links to Your Home Renovation Resource
It is your responsibility to identify bad links and make some effort to fix them. Otherwise, you risk creating the first bad impression on those who would like to deal with your home renovation business.
Which tip do you find the most helpful?