
Finding a Host Family as an Au Pair: Tips to Speed Up The Process

If you’re an Au Pair, you know that finding a Host Family can take time. Sometimes you get lucky and find the perfect match within a week; other times, it takes much longer.

Here are some tips to help you speed up the process. First, you need to list your requirements and start your search early.

Make a List of Your Requirements

You can start by making a list of the things that you really want from your host family. These are called your “non-negotiables.”

You might want a specific type of food, a house you love, or something else. Creating a list of these requirements will help you narrow your search and make the process go smoothly. Different visas are required depending on the Au Pair’s citizenship and destination country. Inquire about au pair visa requirements at the embassy of the host nation in their own country.

Make a profile and fill it out as completely as you can. This will help our system match you to families with your exact requirements!

Your profile lets potential host families know more about you and your personality. The better your profile, the more likely you’ll find the perfect host family!

It’s also a good idea to post pictures of you doing something different. This could be anything from a hike with a stunning view to biking, bungee jumping or kayaking! This will give your host family an idea of how open-minded you are and whether you would be an excellent fit for their family.

Start Your Search Early

If you start your search early enough, you’ll have a better chance of finding a family that suits your needs. This will be especially true if you are looking for an au pair from Europe.

Once you have made a list of your requirements, start searching for potential host families. You can do this by using the filtering options on your website or by sending a search request to all the families you meet with.

Ask for feedback from previous au pairs. This can give you a good indication of the kind of people the family is like and what it’s like to live with them.

You can also list the things you’re not willing to do, like driving or cooking. This way, you can filter out the families that don’t meet your requirements and find the best possible host family for you!

The more confident you are in your needs and deal breakers, the higher your chance of finding the right match up front. This is a great way to save time and hassle later in the matching process!

Create a Profile

Some au pairs match right away – within a week of putting their profile online, they have had several interviews and chosen their arrival date with a family in the USA.

For other au pairs, finding the right family to match can take months. And that’s completely normal!

Your profile should be complete and personality-filled to help you stand out from the competition. It should include information about you and your family, as well as photos that show you and the children you have taken care of.

Your profile should also highlight your childcare experience and why you want to be an au pair in the first place. Be sure to include pictures showing you interacting with the kids you have taken care of and enjoying your time with them.

You should also ensure that your language skills are up to scratch and that you can communicate effectively in the host country. Many au pairs learn a language before they come to their host country, which is very helpful!

Send your application

Once you have filled out your host family application and created a profile, it’s time to send it off. Make sure you include all of your details, including the age and gender of your children!

You may also want to include information about yourself, such as your childcare experience. This will help your prospective Host Family better understand how you would behave with kids.

Remember that your letter must be short and to the point – too long, and you could risk the Host Family not reading it all!

Remember that your personality is what you bring to the table as an Au Pair, so show off your best side! It’s a good idea to include photos of yourself doing things, as this will show your potential Host Family how well you get along with children.

Once your letter is sent off, we recommend contacting your Host Family as soon as possible to start the conversation. You can do this by calling them, emailing them or writing them a letter.

Start Your Search

The search for a host family is the most critical phase of your au pair program. After all, you’ve invested much time and energy into preparing your profile and sending out applications.

However, you can also be slowed down by a variety of factors. For example, some families wait for a certain period before they can start looking for an au pair.

This can make all the difference in how quickly you find a suitable host family.

Once you’ve narrowed your list, send a message to each family that catches your eye. For them to understand what you’re looking for, include your requirements in your message.

Participating in video calls with the families you are considering is also a good idea. This will allow you to ask the family questions and get a better sense of whether or not you want to work with them. It will also protect you from scammers and ensure you have the best possible experience.


Navigating the intricate maze of news with precision, Jason strikes with clarity and depth. On, he distills the essence of current events, offering readers a sleek, informed perspective.

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