Are you going to buy a country plot? Before you decide to buy it, carefully examine the area where your future plot is located. Is it close to the forest, is it a lowland, is it far from the river, etc. Each of these factors has both a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages. Let’s try to consider the most frequently encountered ones, using literary data and our own experience.
Open area.
- it is much easier to build a house and grow a garden on a flat plot – there is no need to plan the plot, which is required when dividing a plot on a hill slope (see below);
- water during irrigation and precipitation is absorbed evenly – it does not flow down the slope.
- will have to “plow the virgin land”;
- you will need a strong and durable masonry that protects both from the wind and from “uninvited guests”;
- you will have to dig a well or drill a well;
- it may be necessary to build shelter from the wind for plants – a greenhouse, greenhouse, etc., and also protect them from direct sunlight;
- to improve the microclimate, you will have to plant trees.
The proximity of the forest.
- You will be able to enjoy the singing of birds, the beauty of trees, breathe fresh, clean and fragrant air, standing on the threshold of the house;
- you will have a lot of material at your disposal for arranging the site, as well as for heating the future house and bathhouse;
- you will be provided with organic fertilizers for the rest of your life. There is everything you need in the forest;
- the forest will protect the site from the influence of strong winds;
- You will be right next to the site to pick berries, mushrooms and flowers.
- a large number of insect pests. Both structures and plants on your site will require increased protection against them;
- there is a high probability that your garden will be visited by small animals – hares, squirrels, mice, etc., as well as flocks of birds. If there are also large animals in the forest – moose, roe deer, etc., then a fairly serious fence will have to be built;
- the garden beds will be constantly shaded by trees;
- forest trees and shrubs with a well-developed root system will take a large amount of moisture and nutrients from the soil.
- as a rule, a great view of the surrounding area opens from the hill;
- there will be no shortage of sunlight;
- the soil warms up faster in the spring, and the area is illuminated longer during the day;
- on a steep slope near alpine landscape lovers, there is an opportunity to create a solid “alpine slide”, and one that would be the envy of the owners of any flat area, forced to arrange such slides artificially.
- the entire area will have to be leveled, smoothing the natural protrusions and giving it the most convenient slope to avoid soil erosion. It is even better to create terraces reinforced with stone or brick masonry. Their construction is very time-consuming and not cheap;
- the site on a slope is usually subject to the action of strong winds – it may be necessary to build a high continuous fence;
- there may be problems with the water supply, because the water from the water supply flows upwards much worse than downwards. For a well, you will have to dig a deep shaft, because underground water, as a rule, lies deep;
- building a foundation for a house on such a plot requires knowledge and certain tricks – it must fit harmoniously into the existing terrain, otherwise its construction may require too much expense;
- the winds here blow stronger than on the plain, and the sun is hotter – additional protective structures for plants may be needed.
- it is easier to solve the issue of water supply. Since the water flows down by gravity, you can connect to the existing nearby water supply (if there is one) painlessly. And the construction of a well will not cause large costs, since the underground water is shallow;
- the site has natural wind protection;
- as a rule, the soil in such areas is more nutritious – high humidity contributes to the formation of humus.
- groundwater often lies close to the surface and can flood the basement of a house. Reinforced waterproofing of the foundation and site drainage are necessary;
- such areas are often heavily shaded;
- strong opacity is usually accompanied by high air humidity. Overmoistened air is the enemy of both garden crops and garden buildings. We will have to solve the issue of their protection.
- the view of water (river, lake) will always delight the eye. It is nice to swim in the reservoir, sunbathe on the shore, and catch fish. And most importantly, you don’t need to build a pool;
- even if there is no water supply, there will be no problems with watering.
- the soil may be overmoistened and require drainage;
- the proximity of the reservoir creates high air humidity, which requires increased protection for buildings;
- any water body is almost always mosquitoes and other insects, as well as reptiles and amphibians.
Proximity to the village.
- local residents can give quite sound advice from bay area siding contractor on building a house and outbuildings. Experience accumulated over the years is worth considering;
- it is possible to use the existing water supply or well;
- You will certainly provide light to the site, but we will not undertake to predict what quality this energy supply will be. In some cases, connecting to the old rural power system turns into a big problem. We wrote in detail about ways to solve it in the series of reviews “So that the light in the house does not go out!” in
- the proximity of the village store;
- it is easier to get organic fertilizers;
- it is easier to get to your property – there is always a road to the settlement.
- there are always many rodents and insect pests in cattle yards that can visit your garden and house;
- local environmental problems – a large amount of various garbage, pollution of water bodies, the danger of fires due to human negligence;
- there will be many uninvited visitors who will get to the site simply from idleness or will be attracted by ripe vegetables and fruits. Unauthorized entry of domestic animals (cows, goats, dogs, etc.) belonging to local residents to the site is not excluded. It will take a BIG fence!
And the last. No matter where your future plot is located, it is strongly recommended to pay close attention to the location of landfills in the vicinity. This only at first glance does not seem like a terrible landfill, which is lurking behind this beautiful forest half a kilometer away. And you can’t see it behind the wood, and the smell is not perceptible, but … This landfill itself can be a source of high toxicity and bacterial contamination of drinking water. Its source is the so-called “leachate” flowing from the landfill. The “filtrate” is not just “dirty and bad-smelling water” seeping from under the garbage heap. It is no less poisonous, and in many cases, much more dangerous than waste from chemical production. For example, the value of the content of harmful organics in the “filtrate” can reach tens of thousands of units, and a very small amount of this “liquid” is quite enough,
In order to protect yourself and your children from such trouble, you must first of all solve the question – where will you get water when you build your long-awaited house: a well, a well or a water supply. Ask the seller to show you the analysis of this water. If there is no analysis, then do not be lazy and collect the same water in a plastic bottle, wrap it with a cork and take it with you for the analysis. You need to do this analysis before you purchase the land (good laboratories do the analysis in just one day). In the analysis, pay special attention to general toxicity and biology. If these indicators in your analysis exceed the norms, then it is better not to take the proposed site from which drinking water is taken. In order to protect yourself and your children from such trouble, you must first of all solve the question – where will you get water, when you build your long-awaited house: a well, a well or a water supply. Ask the seller to show you the analysis of this water.
If there is no analysis, then do not be lazy and collect the same water in a plastic bottle, wrap it with a cork and take it with you for the analysis. You need to do this analysis before you purchase the land (good laboratories do the analysis in just one day). In the analysis, pay special attention to general toxicity and biology. If these indicators in your analysis exceed the norms, then it is better not to take the proposed site from which drinking water is taken. In order to protect yourself and your children from such trouble, you must first of all solve the question – where will you get water when you build your long-awaited house: a well, a well or a water supply. Ask the seller to show you the analysis of this water. If there is no analysis, then do not be lazy and collect the same water in a plastic bottle, wrap it with a cork and take it with you for the analysis. You need to do this analysis before you purchase the land (good laboratories do the analysis in just one day). In the analysis, pay special attention to general toxicity and biology. If these indicators in your analysis are beyond the norm, then it is better not to take the proposed plot. When you build your long-awaited house: a well, a well or a water supply.
Ask the seller to show you the analysis of this water. If there is no analysis, then do not be lazy and collect the same water in a plastic bottle, wrap it with a cork and take it with you for the analysis. You need to do this analysis before you purchase the land (good laboratories do the analysis in just one day). In the analysis, pay special attention to general toxicity and biology. If these indicators in your analysis are beyond the norm, then it is better not to take the proposed plot. When you build your long-awaited house: a well, a well or a water supply. Ask the seller to show you the analysis of this water. If there is no analysis, then do not be lazy and collect the same water in a plastic bottle, wrap it with a cork and take it with you for the analysis. You need to do this analysis before how will you process the purchase of land (good laboratories do the analysis in just one day). In the analysis, pay special attention to general toxicity and biology.