
How to Fix The “Internet Keeps Disconnecting” Issue?

There is the frustration of having no internet, and then, there is the utmost misery of having an internet connection and experiencing the “internet keeps disconnecting” issue. If you are working, studying, or even using the internet for entertainment purposes, experiencing disruptions not only prolongs the chore but also causes irritation.  Furthermore, the data online if not continuously saved can be lost. These days, due to the pandemic, all meetings are virtual, and not being able to hear the other person, a lagging video, and a paused connection, even though your internet connection is stable can be very irksome.

Let us discuss why the internet keeps disconnecting issue occurs and then based on the problem we can propose a solution, guaranteed to keep your worries at bay.

1. Your Modem Is Not Linked To Your IP

The modem might not be getting or transmitting signals from the internet provider, which is why the internet connection might fail to establish. Changing its position will not help, contrary to popular belief. You need to call your internet provider and in the case of CenturyLink, someone from CenturyLink Customer Service will walk you through the process of resetting the modem at your end.

2. You Have Slow Internet Speed

One, it could be that you’ve opted for a slow-speed package which is causing the internet signals to drop, or two, your speed is mediocre but a lot of people are using the internet at the same time thus it is causing your device to perform poorly. Run a speed test to analyze the speed of your internet and based on the family’s usage and daily requirement, opt for a better package. Alternatively, you can look for a provider that offers high-speed internet to power all your online activities.

3. You Have Worn Out Cables

Your modem might be the latest and the internet bundle you have purchased might be top-notch. However, if your cables are old and worn out, chances are that you are losing a good connection. Do note that it could be the fault in one wire and not all. Usually, internet connections at home have three major wire connections: Coaxial, Phone cable, and Ethernet cable. Test your cables and make sure that all of them are working individually.

4. It Is a Technical Network Issue

Sometimes your geographical location or aspects such as other connections in the house can hinder the internet from working properly. There are multiple cases where a connection can work great for Person A but poorly for Person B, which is due to the location difference. To tackle this issue, it is best to choose different options with your provider or choose a different provider who caters best in your area.

5. You Are Far Away From Your Modem

The internet speed can be superb, but the strength of the signals cannot penetrate through all walls and rooms. Likely, you are far away, from where the modem is and you keep on losing the connection. The solution is obvious: position yourself near the modem and see where the signals roaming is best in the house. Moreover, you can also buy a signal booster to strengthen the signals in the house.

6. There Is a Channel Overlap

By channel overlap, we are referring to multiple Wi-Fi connections overlapping in the surroundings, which can lead to slower connections. Change the position of your modem. Using a Wi-Fi analyzer application can also help trace the issue.

What to Do If You Have a Cable or DSL Modem?

The device could be overheated. Restart it by turning it off and then wait patiently for ten to twenty seconds before turning it back on. Remember that DSL signals move over telephone wiring so if you live far off from your ISP, problems could occur rather naturally. You can call your ISP to see if you can upgrade your internet connection to a fiber one. Sometimes cable connection gets slow because, in peak hours, many people intend to access it. The best way to overcome it is to call your IP and get a faster connection.

What If You Have Wireless Internet?

Restart your portable device and make sure that the bill is not past the date. If your cellular connection is slow, upgrade your bundle, restart your phone or call the network carrier to cater to the issue. Pick the right bundle offer based on your needs and subscribe to that.

Can It Be a Windows Issue?

Surely. If you have updated Windows recently, it could be that the new settings are causing the internet connection to be unstable. In such a case, restore to the previous Windows version or wait for the bug fix. At times, the Windows file is corrupted and the internet connectivity is hindered. If you suspect the latter, restore your Windows to the point where the functionality was not impacted.

Similarly, a virus in the system can cause the internet to lag or not work at all. If such a situation arises, remove the malicious software and invest in a good antivirus program.


Navigating the intricate maze of news with precision, Jason strikes with clarity and depth. On, he distills the essence of current events, offering readers a sleek, informed perspective.

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