The world of automation has long been a part of our daily lives, and the power of automation is no secret to anyone. Few people, however, have had their lives impacted as greatly as Doug Pitassi by the evolution of automation.
While everyone in the Western world uses automation and automated processes daily, for Douglas Pitassi, automation has helped define him. Like most, a young Pitassi didn’t know exactly where his future would lead.
Douglas Pitassi: The Early Years
Although it was the business of automation that ultimately became his calling card, it was never without the intellect and effort Douglas Pitassi always possessed that helped him find success.
In fact, it was his mind and the hard work that paved the way for him through his formative and post-secondary schooling years. Shortly after he graduated from Portland State University, and as serendipity would have it, Pitassi became employed by Pacific Office Automation.
At that time, neither this still relatively young company nor Pitassi knew what the next three decades would have in store for them – together. It didn’t take long, however, before the writing on the wall became clear, and everyone recognized that the future of Pacific Office Automation was Doug Pitassi.
Doug Pitassi at the Helm
Today, he is Douglas Pitassi, President of Pacific Office Automation. With more than three decades with Pacific and most of that time leading the company, success has been almost as automatic as the company’s services.
Under the leadership of Pitassi, Pacific Office has not merely grown but has also become a standard bearer in the industry of office automation. From working with big businesses to Ma and Pa shops, with Pitassi at the helm, Pacific Office Automation has become an industry leader and innovator.
For Patassi, Automation and Success go Hand in Hand
The whole premise of automating is to make a process efficient, easier, and in a word, better. That also leads to more and greater success for companies like Pacific Office and the clients they serve.
If you are looking to automate your business or want to learn more about automation, contact Pacific Office Automation today. Some things simply go hand-in-hand, like automation and success.