Today, almost every car model is equipped with a special neutralizer – a device that reduces the level of harmful substances in the exhaust gases. But not all of them are the same. Dodge catalytic converter scrap prices and other brands, as well as for new spare parts, can differ significantly depending on their type and design. Let’s understand what types exist and what their differences are.
They contain honeycombs inside, which are made of ceramic. For this reason, they are fragile. With a slight mechanical damage in the form of a blow on uneven pavement, a breakage occurs. The honeycomb can crack from the impact of ice water, if the car was in a deep puddle. Nevertheless, such elements are excellent at performing their immediate tasks – cleaning exhaust gases, since the internal structure of the honeycomb has the form of a lattice.
The device is much stronger and resistant to any chemical and physical influences than ceramic blocks, since it has a more solid body. These characteristics contribute to the fact that the cost of the metal neutralizer also increases. Inside the block there are irregularly shaped metal honeycombs that are twisted into a spiral. Failure of such blocks is usually associated with the use of fuel of insufficient quality or end of life. Metal catalysts are not afraid of non-ideal roads at all. Even old metal blocks are expensive, they are very well brought up.
Particulate filter
Designed exclusively for cars that use diesel fuel. In appearance, the component is very similar to the usual ceramic: it too has honeycombs, which are coated with an alloy of precious metals of the platinum family.
The efficiency of exhaust gas cleaning in this case is much lower, since such motors operate at lower temperatures, and such neutralizers require higher temperatures. Particulate filters have a short service life, so the task of the car owner is to monitor the moment when fuel and oil consumption will increase, which is a symptom of the beginning of the destruction process.
Is it possible to drive with a defective part?
A question that worries many drivers, but the answer is unfortunately “no”. A clogged or defective neutralizer and engine performance are closely related. The malfunction causes an error on the dashboard, at which point the control unit switches the engine into emergency operation mode, which in turn limits the power and efficiency of the engine. If it has crumbled, these parts can get into the engine due to exhaust gas circulation and noticeably scratch the cylinders with pistons in the engine and thus disable it altogether. As you can see, you won’t be able to drive for long. We have not yet mentioned that the malfunction causes a lot of pollution, which is bad for our health.
Don’t be in a hurry to throw away the old part
Anyway, most neutralizers contain precious metals such as platinum, rhodium, and palladium that promote the chemical reactions necessary to reduce harmful emissions. These metals speed up the reactions, but are not consumed in the process. So even if your neutralizer no longer works, it can still have value. At autocatalystmarket.com, you can sell the part to buyers who specialize in precious metal recovery. On the site, you will find prices for different models, which will help you estimate how much money you can get. Thus, the service helps users find buyers.