Using a personal mobile phone number for verification on online services is quite risky today. Even popular platforms often get attacked by hackers not saying that a lot of them just sell the personal information of their users to marketers. But the biggest problem is that many people don’t know how to deal with this issue and make themselves secure in this regard. The solution is simple though. Just use a temporary phone number. This feature allows anyone to sign up for various platforms with mobile number verification without using a personal phone number at all.
A temporary number from the technical side
A temporary phone number is a relatively new solution on the market. Because of this reason, there are still a lot of those who don’t really know what it is and how it works. Even though this feature might seem to newcomers like something unusual and complicated, there is nothing extraordinary about it.
Temporary numbers are basically regular mobile phone numbers that are used over the internet. It becomes possible due to the connection of real SIM cards from existing cellular providers to online servers of appropriate platforms with hardware like GSM modems and GoIP gateways. As a result, any person gets the opportunity to use regular numbers through websites and apps that offer such an option.
In addition, as the name implies, temporary phone numbers can be used for a limited amount of time. Most often they are provided for single use only. However, it is also possible to obtain such a phone number for a few hours, days, weeks, and even months. So, even though they are called temporary, there is nothing wrong with using them multiple times.
Can be used by anyone
Many newcomers wonder if they can use temporary phone numbers. Luckily there are no requirements for potential users. They can be obtained and activated by literally any person regarding social status as well as financial capabilities. The only thing that is necessary to have is modern device with internet connection. It makes it possible to use temporary numbers while located in any country on the planet. You just need to open appropriate website or app.
Temporary numbers are also suitable for registration on all online services. To be more precise, they can be used to sign up for the following platforms:
- Social media networks;
- Online marketplaces;
- Thematic forums;
- Food delivery and taxi services;
- Other websites and apps.
Since temporary phone numbers work in the same way as regular numbers it doesn’t matter with which online service they are used. They work for any website or app that provides users the opportunity to complete mobile phone number verification during registration or in another case.
Service to get a temporary phone number
Nowadays there are a lot of temporary number providers. They exist in the forms of both websites and apps. The choice should be made really carefully though. Especially if the goal is to not only find a convenient platform but also get high-quality service at a fair price. This is what you have been looking for? SMS-Man is your choice in that case. This platform has been constantly providing appropriate services for several years and has proven its worth among hundreds of thousands of users. You can use it in the following way to get a temporary number:
- Create account at sms-man.com.
- Select suitable payment method on specific tab and add with it credits to balance.
- Open main page of service, choose country issuing country of temporary phone number along with platform from which it is required to receive OTP and click on purchase button.
You will receive a temporary number right away. It can be found on top of the homepage and in your profile. Once found, copy it and proceed to registration on the online service it belongs to. The last step is to press “Get SMS” at SMS-Man to see arrived OTP which will appear under the used temporary phone number.